Archive | June, 2015

I must confess….where I blog! 

15 Jun

There’s a weekly linkup over at My Home Truths where each week comes with a prompt for things to ‘confess’. Occasionally, when the mood strikes, and when I like the prompt, I join in. Today we’re confessing where we blog.

I have 2 regular places I sit to blog. 

The first of which, is the couch. I sit on the end of the couch, using the arm rest as an iPad table and a cushion on my lap…because I like cushions! I have the tv on – either something silly that doesn’t require too much attention, or I just have music playing. 

The couch is good, because it’s comfortable and has both the heater and the air con…so regardless what season it is, the room can be a comfortable temperature. And as long as I’m not wearing shoes, I can put my feet up on the cushion next to me and curl up! Comfort is conducive to good writing, I think! 

The second of which, is outdoors. It’s a lookout up the top of a local mountain. 

A view like that, and the fresh air is always inspiration for whatever I’m trying to write. There’s areas with picnic tables and bench seats set up, so working there is made easier with the facilities on offer. But, in winter it does get quite cold! And through the day, particularly on weekends, it does get busy with tourists and families, so the level of zen does drop. But mid week in the warmer months (or with the help of a hoodie and a scarf) it is my favourite place to write.  

Writing prompt: A fiction piece

14 Jun

I found a writing prompt online, and I’m feeling creative tonight, so here’s a fiction piece based on the prompt. The prompt is: “Write about someone who’s just tired of everything and finds a positive way to deal with it”

My name is Jacinta. And recently I’m tired of everything. People have been finding stupid reasons to complain about who I am, and trying to mould me into the type of person they would like me to be. I’m over it. I’m tired of not feeling appreciated for who I am, afterall, I am a good person. 

I’m also tired of things not going my way at work – everything really is against me at the moment. Targets are within reach, but not achieved and deadlines are looming. Add this to the constant battle on a personal level, I’m tired of how everything is going at the moment. I want to escape reality and hide away from the world for a moment.

But, as that’s not really all too realistic – I have too many commitments here (work, family etc), I’ve turned to writing. I created a blog and a pseudonym and vented all my frustrations. It began as just that – me safely venting my thoughts and feelings behind my pseudonym so that no one would know my identity. That’s how I felt safe. People who were reading knew me as my writing name, and the people in my life who were making me feel this way, never read anything I write. 

In time, I developed a little fan base on my blog too. Regulars who would come and go so that they could keep up with my posts, and they even leave encouraging comments. Those comments are little moments where I’m reminded that even when everything seems to be going against me, there’s always someone willing to cheer me on! Suddenly there were people who were supporting the real me! 

So I continued to write. I even outed myself and revealed my real name. The pseudonym is long gone. I am totally true to myself. 

Not long ago though, my whole life changed for the better. I got an email asking if I’d like to write on a public forum. I was offered a spot in a book which is a compilation of bloggers and their favourite pieces! The dream of a lifetime! Now the biggest challenge is to select what piece is my favourite…

T minus 23 days…

7 Jun

23 days. That’s how many days are remaining until July 1st. 

July 1st marks the beginning of Dry July. A month long fundraiser to raise money for adults dealing with Cancer. Dry July involves staying “dry” and alcohol free for the 31 days in July. 

However, I’ve furthered my personal challenge. Not only am I going alcohol free, I’ll also be caffeine free for 31 days! No caffeine and no alcohol to raise as much money as I can for those living with Cancer. No wine, no tea, no coffee (not even decaf), no caffeinated soft drinks and no chocolate….for 31 days. 

The cause is close to my heart. I’m doing Dry July in memory of my friend Lucy. In 2012, she lost her battle with thyroid cancer. She fought so hard, but after a long and hard battle, with 2 other friends and myself by her side, she passed away and left behind her legacy – the memories and the inspiration my friends and I get every day from the young lady Lucy was. She inspires me daily, to be a better person; a stronger person; and to live a fulfilled life. 

Lucy, my sweet girl, Dry July 2015 is for you! 

And for those of you who would like to donate to my Dry July, you can so by clicking just here. If you aren’t in a position financially to donate, please do share this post and my fundraiser across your social networks. That support means the world! Thank you everyone!