World Thyroid Day 2016

25 May

You’re forgiven for not knowing the significance of today (May 25th), it’s one of the lesser known days. World Thyroid Day. If you don’t know what your thyroid does, or how it does it, consider yourself lucky because it typically means you’ve never had any issues with it.


So, what is a thyroid I hear you ask? Well, it’s a butterfly shaped gland in the front of your neck which secretes hormones to regulate your metabolic processes – including your energy levels and growth. In a nutshell, the thyroid and the hormones it produces affect close to all of the things your body does.

For those who don’t know my story, my thyroid turned nasty. I maintain that it tried to kill me. We parted ways in January 2010 and I haven’t looked back. Yes it required a change to my “normal” routine and yes I will be on medication for the rest of my life (thyroid hormone is essential to life – so mine is in pill form sitting in my fridge).But I’m healthier than I was 7 years ago. It hasn’t been easy in the slightest…and I’m currently having a few more issues, so it’s no walk in the park, but it’s still better than any of the other options.

To lighten the mood surrounding my thyroid dramas, my lovely friend, Lisa, bought me the only thyroid I need in my life. He’s yellow, full of stuffing and named Lloyd.


Meet Lloyd, my stuffed, yellow, cute thyroid! AKA: the Thyroid that hasn’t tried to kill me!

1 in 7 Australians will have thyroid issues in their lifetime and the vast majority of these will be women. It’s challenging that a condition that affects so many of us is still so unknown. The information is out there – we just need to share our stories.

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