Archive | September, 2015

I must confess: My Competitive Side

15 Sep

Over at My Home Truths, there’s a weekly confession linkup. This week, we’re discussing our competitive streak. 

In short – Yes. I am competitive. 

I get competitive with myself as well as others. I always try to perform better than I did yesterday, last week, last month or last year. I use my achievements as goals to try and beat. 

But I also get competitive with others. One of my many enjoyments is watching a game of NRL. This exacerbates my competitiveness and I shout and cheer and get a little too excited. If my team wins, people hear me! If my team lose, I can be heard too – either cheering if they tried hard, or loudly discussing moments throughout the game that we mightn’t agree with or like. 

Within my inner circles, I can be competitive too. Two of my friends – let’s call them Batman and Tinkerbell, we often play games, whether it be a boardgame or card game. I tend to get slightly competitive. It’s not the first time I’ve called Tinkerbell a bitch if she bought a property I wanted in Monopoly or if I have to pay her rent. Batman doesn’t escape easily either. I have called him an asshole on occasion.  

If we let our inner children out and play snap, we have been known to get a little rough. My fingernails are my greatest asset. I’m not afraid of getting in there, even though I may scratch someone in doing so. Of course though, it is all in harmless fun. We all apologise and hug it out in the end and it is all in the name of fun.

Truth be told though, Tinkerbell and Batman are just as competitive as I am, so I fit in well.