Happy Necks

As you would have read in a few of my posts, over the years I’ve had a battle with thyroid issues and have battled an (at times) uphill battle. But I came through and am mostly well now.

But as a result of my battles, I’ve become passionate about thyroid awareness and will do just about anything to get discussions started. After my friend Lucy passing away due to thyroid cancer which went undiagnosed and was all through her lymphatic system before it was found, awareness of everything thyroid is a must, if we hope to diagnose patients early enough to save their lives.

I have been a co-conspirator with my friend Lisa, who’s created a website dedicated to thyroid cancer awareness after her recent surgery and thankfully, pre-cancerous pathology report. She is a shining example of why it needs early intervention and treatment. Even though hers wasn’t yet malignant, she went through such a horrific journey to get to where she is today. Thanks to her persistence in finding that care, she had her surgery before anything turned cancerous.

During Lisa’s recovery, she and I chatted about awareness and the happy necks website came to life! If you’d like to see our efforts, click here

And you’ll also see our happy necks selfies – which are selfies with a smiley face drawn where our thyroid scars are (my scar is too faint so I had to trace it with eyeliner!) if you feel inclined please do join us in taking a happy necks selfie and show me! I’m on twitter (@NatSmith_16) , or my email is nat.smith.0102@gmail.com I’d love to see some more happy necks!!

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