Archive | July, 2016

#IMustConfess What I’m Most Proud Of…

26 Jul

It’s been a while since I joined in the I Must Confess linkup over at My HomeTruths. But I liked this weeks prompt, and I found the time to join in!!

This week’s prompt is ‘What I’m most proud of’. Now, it takes A LOT for me to admit I’m proud of myself. But today, that’s exactly what I’m going to do…

The thing I’m most proud of is…


I’ve decided to turn my side business into something official!! I’ve set up a business name and everything, and hoping to turn it into something fulltime. It’s still surreal seeing business cards with MY business name and MY contact details. But it’s been exciting, I’ve learnt a lot and I’ve enjoyed the process so far.


That’s me!!!!!!

Yes, it’s also been challenging and daunting, but it’s all balance…right?

I’ve achieved this while having a very challenging year overall. 2016 so far has been full of battles which have tested my resolve, pushed me to my limits, knocked me over the edge and teased me with further challenges as I’ve got back up again.

But I’m surviving. I’m building my business to (hopefully) set up the rest of my life doing work I love, and I’m learning a lot about myself in the process.