Archive | January, 2016

I must confess…my goals for 2016

14 Jan

How are we 2 weeks into the new year already? Time really does fly.

Anyway, over at My Home Truths the I Must Confess Linkup has started again for the new year. And appropriately, the first prompt is goals for 2016.

2015  was full of ups and downs for me, personally and professionally. This year, I have set goals that will further myself and encourage me to learn more about myself.

Overall, I just hope to be in a better place come December 31st, 2016 than I was January 1st, 2016. But, to break this down, my goals for the next 12 months are as follows:


– To be happy
– I have the starting foundations of a book. I plan to work on this throughout the year
– Keep up with writing that’s not my book too…blog posts, random writing etc.
– Be a little lighter than I am currently
– Be healthy and win the battle of the thyroid


Professionally I really only have one goal for the next year – and that is to be working for myself. Although this is quite a big thing to focus on and will be filled with small individual goals which will all build up to the ultimate outcome, it is what I’m focusing on throughout 2016.

I have a few opportunities that have arisen over the last month or so, and it’s made me see the potential I have to be doing what I love and following my own career path to ease small business owners struggles, while providing myself with an income doing something I love in a way that I love.

If I can develop my business throughout 2016, this goal will then be furthered over coming years, to get myself to the ultimate end goal of being in a financial position to give time for 2 full days a week to various small start-up businesses and Not-For-Profit organisations at a rate that they can afford. If I can be earning enough to donate my time and skills, this will be the ultimate!

Honestly, I’m nervous. But I have to believe I can do it. I want to. I really want to.

What are your goals for 2016? Anyone else keen to share?