2014 so far…

16 Feb

Here we are, 47 days into the 365 days that as a group, are the year 2014. It’s difficult to believe how so much can have happened while the year is still so young.

2014 so far has been a mixed bag. Some days have been rough and given me experiences I’d rather have gone my life without ever experiencing, yet other days have been absolutely amazing.

There have been days where I’ve learnt what’s important to me and where my priorities must lie. This has done me well in the way that I’ve learnt lessons that will be a blessing for me here on in.

On the other hand, I go on holidays in early march to go spend some time with a friend who I consider an older sister. A big sister I’ve never argued with and who always says the perfect thing for whatever situation I’m facing. It’s hard to believe it’s only 16 days until I leave. In 16 days it will be the first week of march! How does that even happen? It’s so soon into the year, yet we’re almost into the third month of this twelve month phase. The holiday will be incredible, it’s something I’ve been planning for months now and to have it so soon is very exciting! The best days of 2014 to date are probably the ones I’ve sat planning the things I want to do with my friend when I go visit her. Although, when I get home from the trip, I’m sure the best days of 2014 would have been those 14 days with her.

It seems that good and bad are somewhat relative. Obviously there’s some situations where there’s clear definition between good and bad, but it doesn’t seem to always be the case. If I compare the bad days so far this year to some bad days over the last 4 years, nothing that’s happened this year even comes close to being as bad as days in previous years.

It just goes to show…even if we think we’re having a bad day, there’s always been worse! (And yes I know that’s not always comforting!)

If you’ve had a rough start to the year, may it be on the up from here on in. And if 2014 has been amazing to you so far, may it continue!

One Response to “2014 so far…”

  1. Kellkitten February 17, 2014 at 6:57 PM #

    A lovely post. I think it’s great look back every so often and see what has worked and what hasn’t. Then it’s time to look forward. xx

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