I must Confess…my random thoughts.

17 Nov

I quite enjoy the I Must Confess linkup over at My Home Truths. Each week is a different prompt. I don’t always join in, but the weeks that I do, I really enjoy the prompt and the comments from fellow bloggers!

This week’s prompt is very open – random confessions. So, in no particular order, some of the randomness in my head is as follows:

~ I’m feeling slightly lost and uncertain where I’m headed currently. Things have fallen through which I thought were a sure thing. That has disappointed me a great deal. Right now I don’t have a lot of certainty or direction, but I’ll figure it out. I always do!

~ My best friends mean the world to me. There’s a group of very special people who are always there to support me and recently, they’ve done wonders. I don’t know what I would have done without them. They’re encouraging me to work through my lack of direction and listening to all my venting as I talk through all the confusion in my head.

The best friends who are local to me (as in less than 10 mins drive away) have had me on their couch in tears more times than I wish to count lately. There’s been a steady flow of hugs and an unending offer of their spare room to use as a hideout to disappear from the world when I’ve needed to be alone.

But with best friends like that, I’ve not used the office hideout offer much, but rather, hung out with them and hugged them and sat with them and just hid from everything else!

~ I love my blog! Writing is therapeutic. Especially posts like this. Having the ability to write whatever is in my head is amazing. Who knew this post would come at just the right time when I needed to unload the contents of my brain?Writing is also what’s helped save my sanity this last week.

~ My birthday is coming up and I have no answer to the question I’m beginning to be asked “What do you want for your birthday?” People are asking me and I have no idea.

Yeah, there’s things I’d like…but they feel a little odd to be birthday gift requests. They’re things I can get myself (magazine subscriptions for instance).

Every year I struggle when people ask what they should buy me. I often ask for a surprise. Some people don’t like that answer though.

~ Speaking of becoming a year older very soon (I’m turning 25, how did this even happen?!?!?!), I’m trying to process the fact that another year has gone by. How am I even turning 25?

25: Halfway to 50. Quarter of a century. Yep, mind blowing stuff right there.

It seems only yesterday (or maybe the day before) I was finishing uni. My dad always tells me “the older you get, the faster the years go”. I didn’t believe him at first, but I’ve realised dad is right! Fatherly wisdom right there!!

That’s about all I’ve got in the depths of my mind this week. Confusion, uncertainty and processing the fact I’m becoming a year older. It really is a random mix of things I’m pondering.

So, I’ve shared…what’s on your mind?

2 Responses to “I must Confess…my random thoughts.”

  1. Kirsty @ My Home Truths November 19, 2015 at 12:04 PM #

    You’ve made my day with your kind comments on I Must Confess – thank you! It seems the random week was a good pick for a few of us. I know I needed it too!!!! And thank goodness for friends that have your back and are there for you, no matter what x

  2. Anne@GritandGiggles November 20, 2015 at 10:56 AM #

    Sometimes it is good to have a shoulder to cry on so then you can work out what is next. I am already sick of the ‘what do you want for Christmas?’ question and my birthday is less than a month after that. Sure, there is stuff that I want but it is all big stuff, expensive stuff but mist of all I just want family time. Good luck with working things out.

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